Incorrect alignment settings will usually result in more rapid tyre wear. Therefore, your vehicle alignment should be checked whenever new tyres or suspension components are installed,when the vehicle has encountered a major accident or any time when unusual tyre wear patterns appear.
The following are some signs that a vehicle is out of alignment:
Uneven or rapid tyre wear
Vehicle pulling to the left or right side when driving on a flat road
Off-centre steering wheel
At H Tyre, we look forward to providing you with the professional tyre care with one of the most sophisticated 4 wheel alignment systems – The Hunter Hawkeye Elite™.
HawkEye Elite™ uses four precision cameras to measure the position and orientation of targets mounted to each wheel using Hunter’s patented QuickGrip™ adaptors. QuickGrip adaptors feature spring-loaded arms that grip the tyre, eliminating metal-to-metal contact and subsequent rim damage.